JavaScript Examples

Notice from Geotab

On September 17, 2022, the current MyAdmin SDK site will be deprecated, and the MyAdmin SDK will be merged with the Geotab SDK site. Please ensure to update your relevant bookmarks as the site will be inaccessible after this date.

The example below demonstrates a simple JavaScript application that authenticates with the MyAdmin API, then calls GetDevicePlans and LookupDevice.

    <h1>Device Plans</h1>
    <ul id="devicePlanList">
    <h1>Device Details</h1>
      <div id="firmwareElement"></div>
      <div id="commentsElement"></div>
      <div id="lastCommElement"></div>
      <div id="possibleIssuesElement"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="myAdminApi.js"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">
      var apiKey,
        logonParams = {
          username: '',
          password: '<password>'

      myAdminApi().call('Authenticate', logonParams, function(user) {
        apiKey = user.userId;
        sessionId = user.sessionId;
        var deviceIdx,
            listHtml = '',
            devicePlanList = document.getElementById('devicePlanList'),
            devicePlanParams = {
              apiKey: apiKey,
              sessionId: sessionId

            lookupDeviceParams = {
              apiKey: apiKey,
              sessionId: sessionId,
              serialNo: 'G6XXX0XXXD08'

        myAdminApi().call('GetDevicePlans', devicePlanParams, function(devicePlans) {
          for (deviceIdx in devicePlans) {
            listHtml += '<li>' + devicePlans[deviceIdx].name + '</li>';
          devicePlanList.innerHTML = listHtml;
          myAdminApi().call('LookupDevice', lookupDeviceParams, function(device) {

            document.getElementById('firmwareElement').innerText = "Firmware: " + device.firmwareVersion;
            document.getElementById('commentsElement').innerText = "Comments: " + device.comments;
            document.getElementById('lastCommElement').innerText = "Last Communication: " + device.lastServerCommunication;
            document.getElementById('possibleIssuesElement').innerText = "Possible Issues: " + device.possibleIssues;
      }, function(errorMessage, error){
        var errorIdx, alertMsg = 'Error Message: ' + errorMessage;
        if (error && error.errors) {
          alertMsg += '\n\nThe following errors occurred:\n';
          for (errorIdx in error.errors) {
            alertMsg += error.errors[errorIdx].name + '\n';


The call method uses the following parameters:

  • Method name;

  • Parameters;

  • Success callback; and

  • Error callback (optional).

Note: The Success callback receives the object returned by the API as a parameter. The Reference page provides details about the objects returned by each method. In the example above, the error callback is called if the login fails. The error callback receives two parameters: an error message and an “errors” object that contains an array of individual errors that occurred. In the example above, the devicePlans object — returned by GetDevicePlans — is an array of ApiDevicePlans. The device object, returned by LookupDevice, is an ApiDeviceInstallResult. For more information, see Reference.

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