.NET Core Examples

Notice from Geotab

On September 17, 2022, the current MyAdmin SDK site will be deprecated, and the MyAdmin SDK will be merged with the Geotab SDK site. Please ensure to update your relevant bookmarks as the site will be inaccessible after this date.

Here are a few examples to help you get started.

Example 1

The first example is a method that authenticates with the MyAdmin API, retrieves a list of device plans, and looks up the details for a specific device.

async Task Example1()
   MyAdminInvoker api = new MyAdminInvoker("https://myadminapi.geotab.com/v2/MyAdminApi.ashx");

   Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>
      {"username", "user@geotab.com"},
      {"password", "<password>"}

   ApiUser apiUser = await api.InvokeAsync<ApiUser>("Authenticate", parameters);
   Guid apiKey = apiUser.UserId;
   Guid sessionId = apiUser.SessionId;

   parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>
      {"apiKey", apiKey},
      {"sessionId", sessionId}
   ApiDevicePlan[] devicePlans = await api.InvokeAsync<ApiDevicePlan[]>("GetDevicePlans", parameters);

   Console.WriteLine("Device Plans");
   foreach (ApiDevicePlan devicePlan in devicePlans)
      Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", devicePlan.Level, devicePlan.Name);

   Console.Write("\nDevice Information\n");

   parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>
      {"apiKey", apiKey},
      {"sessionId", sessionId},
      {"serialNo", "G6XXX0XXXD08"}
   ApiDeviceInstallResult device = await api.InvokeAsync<ApiDeviceInstallResult>("LookupDevice", parameters);

   Console.WriteLine("Firmware Version: {0}", device.FirmwareVersion);
   Console.WriteLine("Comments: {0}", device.Comments);
   Console.WriteLine("Last Server Communication: {0}", device.LastServerCommunication.ToString());
   Console.WriteLine("Possible Issues: {0}", device.PossibleIssues);

   // Example Output:
   // Device Plans
   // Level    Name
   // 3        Base Mode
   // 99       Suspend Mode
   // 9999     Terminate Mode
   // Device Information
   // Firmware Version: 101.2.85
   // Comments: No Data from Device
   // Last Server Communication:  2021-07-23 11:20:03 p.m.
   // Possible Issues: No Data from Device


Example 2

The second example demonstrates how to query the MyAdmin API to get shipping fee information.

async Task Example2()
   MyAdminInvoker api = new MyAdminInvoker("https://myadminapi.geotab.com/v2/MyAdminApi.ashx");

   Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>
      {"username", "user@geotab.com"},
      {"password", "<password>"}

   ApiUser apiUser = await api.InvokeAsync<ApiUser>("Authenticate", parameters);
   Guid apiKey = apiUser.UserId;
   Guid sessionId = apiUser.SessionId;

   parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>
      {"apiKey", apiKey},
      {"sessionId", sessionId},
      {"forAccount", "<account number>"}
   ApiShippingFee[] shippingFees = await api.InvokeAsync<ApiShippingFee[]>("GetShippingFees", parameters);